State Tax Disclaimer

Items sold by Paragon Print Systems, Inc. and shipped to certain states, may be subject to tax.

How Sales Tax is Calculated:

The amount of tax charged on your order depends on many factors including the identity of the seller, type of item or service purchased, the time and location of fulfillment and the shipment or delivery address of your order. These factors can change between the time you place an order and when delivery is complete. As a result, the tax calculated on your order may change and an amounts quoted as estimated tax may then be updated later when your order is finalized and completed.

The tax rate applied to your order will be the combined state and local rates of the address where your order is delivered to or fulfilled from. However, the destination of your order's delivery will often determine if tax is applicable. For example, it you live in a state that does not impose a sales tax, you may still see tax calculated on your order if shipped to another state. Moreover, the tax rates applied to your order may also be different for a variety of reasons, such as a shipment to a residential home versus a business address. Also, please note, the total selling price of an item will generally include item-level shipping and handling charge and item level discounts. These charges, if applied at an order level, may be allocated to the individual items in an order.

Paragon Print Systems is not required in all states to collect sales and use tax. If tax has not been calculated on your order, that does not mean that you do not have to remit use tax in your state. You need to check with your states Sales Tax Office to determine if you are required to remit Use Tax on the items that you have purchased.

Tax Exempt Certificate:

If you have a current tax-exempt certificate, for your state and for the item(s) you are purchasing, please contact Paragon Print Systems, Inc. toll free at 888.237.8525 to discuss your order, or email us a copy of your certificate to

Notices to Consumers required by your state to disclose:


The sales tax rate applied to your order will be the combined state and local rates of the address where your order is shipping to.


Paragon Print Systems, Inc. is not required to and does not collect Colorado Sales or Use Tax. Under Colorado law, purchases are not tax-exempt merely because they were made over the internet or because a seller is not required to collect Colorado Sales Tax. Colorado law requires Colorado purchasers to review untaxed purchases and, if any tax is owed, file a Colorado Use Tax Return and pay any tax due.


Sales and Use Tax is due on certain purchases delivered or sourced to Vermont State. Vermont Tax requires a Sales or Use Tax Return to be filed and tax to be paid on a non-exempt purchase made when the sales tax is not paid at the time of purchase.


Sales and Use Tax is due on certain purchases delivered or sourced to Washington State. Washington requires you to file a Use Tax return when sales tax is not paid at the time of purchase. This message is required under the Revised Code of Washington 82.13.020(2)(a)(i).

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